Log and Report
Log and Report
Use these screens to configure daily reporting and log settings.
Email Daily Report
Use the Email Daily Report screen to start or stop data collection and view various statistics about traffic passing through your Zyxel Device. See Configuration > System > Notification to set up the mail server.
Note: Data collection may decrease the Zyxel Device’s traffic throughput rate.
Configure this screen to have the Zyxel Device e-mail you system statistics every day.
Configuration > Log & Report > Email Daily Report 
Enable Email Daily Report
Select this to send reports by e-mail every day.
Mail Subject
Type the subject line for outgoing e-mail from the Zyxel Device.
Mail To
Type the e-mail address (or addresses) to which the outgoing e-mail is delivered.
Send Report Now
Click this button to have the Zyxel Device send the daily e-mail report immediately.
Report Items
Select the information to include in the report. Types of information include System Resource Usage, Wireless Report, Interface Traffic Statistics and DHCP Table.
Select Reset counters after sending report successfully if you only want to see statistics for a 24 hour period.
Reset All Counters
Click this to discard all report data and start all of the counters over at zero.
Click Apply to save your changes back to the Zyxel Device.
Click Reset to return the screen to its last-saved settings.
Log Setting Screens
The Log Setting screens control log messages and alerts. A log message stores the information for viewing or regular e-mailing later, and an alert is e-mailed immediately. Usually, alerts are used for events that require more serious attention, such as system errors and attacks.
The Zyxel Device provides a system log and supports e-mail profiles and remote syslog servers. View the system log in the MONITOR > Log screen. Use the e-mail profiles to mail log messages to the specific destinations. You can also have the Zyxel Device store system logs on a connected USB storage device. The other four logs are stored on specified syslog servers.
The Log Setting screens control what information the Zyxel Device saves in each log. You can also specify which log messages to e-mail for the system log, and where and how often to e-mail them. These screens also set for which events to generate alerts and where to email the alerts.
The first Log Setting screen provides a settings summary. Use the Edit screens to configure settings such as log categories, e-mail addresses, and server names for any log. Use the Log Category Settings screen to edit what information is included in the system log, USB storage, e-mail profiles, and remote servers.
Log Setting Summary
Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting 
Double-click an entry or select it and click Edit to open a screen where you can modify it.
To turn on an entry, select it and click Activate.
To turn off an entry, select it and click Inactivate.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific log.
This field displays the type of log setting entry (system log, logs stored on a USB storage device connected to the Zyxel Device, or one of the remote servers).
Log Format
This field displays the format of the log.
Internal - system log; you can view the log on the View Log tab.
VRPT/Syslog - Zyxel’s Vantage Report, syslog-compatible format.
CEF/Syslog - Common Event Format, syslog-compatible format.
This field is a summary of the settings for each log.
Log Category Settings
Click this button to open the Log Category Settings Edit screen.
Click this button to save your changes (activate and deactivate logs) and make them take effect.
Edit System Log Settings
The Log Settings Edit screen controls the detailed settings for each log in the system log (which includes the e-mail profiles). Go to the Log Settings Summary screen , and click the system log Edit icon.
Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (System Log) 
E-Mail Server 1/2
Select this to send log messages and alerts according to the information in this section. You specify what kinds of log messages are included in log information and what kinds of log messages are included in alerts in the Active Log and Alert section.
Mail Server
Type the name or IP address of the outgoing SMTP server.
Mail Subject
Type the subject line for the outgoing e-mail.
Send From
Type the e-mail address from which the outgoing e-mail is delivered. This address is used in replies.
Send Log To
Type the e-mail address to which the outgoing e-mail is delivered.
Send Alerts To
Type the e-mail address to which alerts are delivered.
Sending Log
Select how often log information is e-mailed. Choices are: When Full, Hourly and When Full, Daily and When Full, and Weekly and When Full.
Day for Sending Log
This field is available if the log is e-mailed weekly. Select the day of the week the log is e-mailed.
Time for Sending Log
This field is available if the log is e-mailed weekly or daily. Select the time of day (hours and minutes) when the log is e-mailed. Use 24-hour notation.
SMTP Authentication
Select this check box if it is necessary to provide a user name and password to the SMTP server.
User Name
This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the user name to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
This box is effective when you select the SMTP Authentication check box. Type the password to provide to the SMTP server when the log is e-mailed.
Retype to Confirm
Type the password again to make sure that you have entered is correctly.
Active Log and Alert
System Log
Use the System Log drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category for the system log or e-mail any logs to e-mail server 1 or 2.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all categories for the system log. If e-mail server 1 or 2 also has normal logs enabled, the Zyxel Device will e-mail logs to them.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all categories. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if this setting is selected.
E-mail Server 1
Use the E-Mail Server 1 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 1 for all log categories.
Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 1 settings.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server 1.
enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 1.
E-mail Server 2
Use the E-Mail Server 2 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 2 for all log categories.
Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 2 settings.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server 2.
enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 2.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log Category
This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software.
System log
Select which events you want to log by Log Category. There are three choices:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and debugging information from this category; the Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, however, even if this setting is selected.
E-mail Server 1
Select whether each category of events should be included in the log messages when it is e-mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings specified in E-Mail Server 1. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is recorded in the System log.
E-mail Server 2
Select whether each category of events should be included in log messages when it is e-mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings specified in E-Mail Server 2. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is recorded in the System log.
Log Consolidation
Select this to activate log consolidation. Log consolidation aggregates multiple log messages that arrive within the specified Log Consolidation Interval. In the View Log tab, the text “[count=x]”, where x is the number of original log messages, is appended at the end of the Message field, when multiple log messages were aggregated.
Log Consolidation Interval
Type how often, in seconds, to consolidate log information. If the same log message appears multiple times, it is aggregated into one log message with the text “[count=x]”, where x is the number of original log messages, appended at the end of the Message field.
Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Edit Log on USB Storage Setting
The Edit Log on USB Storage Setting screen controls the detailed settings for saving logs to a connected USB storage device. Go to the Log Setting Summary screen, and click the USB storage Edit icon.
Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (USB Storage) 
Duplicate logs to USB storage (if ready)
Select this to have the Zyxel Device save a copy of its system logs to a connected USB storage device. Use the Active Log section to specify what kinds of messages to include.
Enable log keep duration:
Select this checkbox to enter a value in the Keep Duration field.
Keep duration:
Enter a number of days that the Zyxel Device keeps this log.
Active Log
Use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.
disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for all log categories.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific entry.
Log Category
This field displays each category of messages. The Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software.
Select what information you want to log from each Log Category (except All Logs; see below). Choices are:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and debugging information from this category
Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Edit Remote Server Log Settings
The Log Settings Edit screen controls the detailed settings for each log in the remote server (syslog). Go to the Log Settings Summary screen, and click a remote server Edit icon.
Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Edit (Remote Server) 
Log Settings for Remote Server
Select this check box to send log information according to the information in this section. You specify what kinds of messages are included in log information in the Active Log section.
Log Format
This field displays the format of the log information. It is read-only.
VRPT/Syslog - Zyxel’s Vantage Report, syslog-compatible format.
CEF/Syslog - Common Event Format, syslog-compatible format.
Server Address
Type the server name or the IP address of the syslog server to which to send log information.
Log Facility
Select a log facility. The log facility allows you to log the messages to different files in the syslog server. Please see the documentation for your syslog program for more information.
Active Log
Use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.
disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for all log categories.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log Category
This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software.
Select what information you want to log from each Log Category (except All Logs; see below). Choices are:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and debugging information from this category
Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.
Log Category Settings Screen
The Log Category Settings screen allows you to view and to edit what information is included in the system log, USB storage, e-mail profiles, and remote servers at the same time. It does not let you change other log settings (for example, where and how often log information is e-mailed or remote server names).
This screen provides a different view and a different way of indicating which messages are included in each log and each alert. (The Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software.)
Configuration > Log & Report > Log Setting > Log Category Settings 
System Log
Use the System Log drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category for the system log or e-mail any logs to e-mail server 1 or 2.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all categories for the system log. If e-mail server 1 or 2 also has normal logs enabled, the Zyxel Device will e-mail logs to them.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all categories. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if this setting is selected.
USB Storage
Use the USB Storage drop-down list to change the log settings for saving logs to a connected USB storage device.
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information for any category to a connected USB storage device.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts for all categories and save them to a connected USB storage device.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all categories and save them to a connected USB storage device.
E-mail Server 1
Use the E-Mail Server 1 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 1 for all log categories.
Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 1 settings.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server 1.
enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 1.
E-mail Server 2
Use the E-Mail Server 2 drop-down list to change the settings for e-mailing logs to e-mail server 2 for all log categories.
Using the System Log drop-down list to disable all logs overrides your e-mail server 2 settings.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - e-mail log messages for all categories to e-mail server 2.
enable alert logs (red exclamation point) - e-mail alerts for all categories to e-mail server 2.
Remote Server 1~4
For each remote server, use the Selection drop-down list to change the log settings for all of the log categories.
disable all logs (red X) - do not send the remote server logs for any log category.
enable normal logs (green check mark) - send the remote server log messages and alerts for all log categories.
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - send the remote server log messages, alerts, and debugging information for all log categories.
This field is a sequential value, and it is not associated with a specific address.
Log Category
This field displays each category of messages. It is the same value used in the Display and Category fields in the View Log tab. The Default category includes debugging messages generated by open source software.
System Log
Select which events you want to log by Log Category. There are three choices:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - create log messages and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - create log messages, alerts, and debugging information from this category; the Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, however, even if this setting is selected.
USB Storage
Select which event log categories to save to a connected USB storage device. There are three choices:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - save log messages and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - save log messages, alerts, and debugging information from this category.
E-mail Server 1 E-mail
Select whether each category of events should be included in the log messages when it is e-mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings specified in E-Mail Server 1. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is recorded in the System log.
E-mail Server 2 E-mail
Select whether each category of events should be included in log messages when it is e-mailed (green check mark) and/or in alerts (red exclamation point) for the e-mail settings specified in E-Mail Server 2. The Zyxel Device does not e-mail debugging information, even if it is recorded in the System log.
Remote Server 1~4
For each remote server, select what information you want to log from each Log Category (except All Logs; see below). Choices are:
disable all logs (red X) - do not log any information from this category
enable normal logs (green check mark) - log regular information and alerts from this category
enable normal logs and debug logs (yellow check mark) - log regular information, alerts, and debugging information from this category
Click this to save your changes and return to the previous screen.
Click this to return to the previous screen without saving your changes.